You must be 18+
Do not give out hidden locations in-game chat, message members on discord about them, or attempt to sell them using real money. Roleplay to find them in-game.
Fire/EMS and coroner are off-limits for killing/kidnapping.
You MUST have a working mic.
Know the difference between In-Character (IC) and Out-Of-Character (OOC)
English must be spoken at all times.
Do not cause drama.
Do not argue with or disrespect any staff or owners. If there is an in-game issue create a ticket, if there is an issue with staff or LEO make a complaint on the forums.
are not to be used to chat, complain, argue, or spam. You may use OOC to ask a few questions. Use Discord, out for OOC chat or in-game, use the phone to text each other.There will be NO RP in a non-consensual sexual nature (If you don't feel comfortable with a situation, speak up.)
Do not go out of character during a role play.
DO NOT ask to become a moderator or admin. Apply on the website.
Do not talk while “dead” this includes in-game chat (unless EMS or PD cannot locate your body.)
Do not argue with Fire/EMS or tell them how to do their job. When Fire/EMS arrives on the scene and “revive” you, you are NOT free to go, the scene is not over. You are to follow Fire/EMS instructions.
The use of flying aircraft as a weapon (RDM/VDM) will result in a permanent ban
Car dealers and Mechanics are NOT allowed to commit felonies. (Excluding money laundering)
Store Owner Rules
You CANNOT put illegal weapons in your store or illegal items! You must do "under the table" deals where you meet each other to sell.
Last updated
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